Michiel Huisman and Tara Elders
Daario Naharis caught the fans’ attention when he became Khaleesi’s first lover after her first husband Khal Drogo. Naharis used his charm, boldness, combat ability, and of course, his looks to win over the dragon queen. Although their affair didn’t last long, his ability to seduce Daenerys Targaryen was in itself amazing. There isn’t anything Ser Jorah Mormont wouldn’t do to have such kind of intimacy with the queen. The man who portrays Daario is Michiel Huisman, a successful actor and musician in Denmark. He is dating a fellow Dutch actress named Tara Elders.

Michiel Huisman And Tara Elders
Jonathan Pryce and Kate Fahy
Jonathan Pryce plays the role of the High Sparrow in Game of Thrones’s seasons 5 and 6, and this character receives so little love in the show. As a matter of fact, this religious leader is not allowed to have one. The Sparrow is more focused on accumulating power in King’s Landing and dictate everyone into following the Faith of the Seven according to his dogmatic interpretation. Contrary to his role, Pryce has a colorful love life. He is married to Kate Fahy, also an actress. The couple first met at the Everyman Theatre in Liverpool while working on a project together. They fell in love with each other at the time despite the fact that they were both married to different individuals. They broke up with their respective spouses to be together.

Jonathan Pryce And Kate Fahy