Stephen Dillane and Naomi Wirthner
Fans have last seen Stannis Baratheon on season five’s last episode, where his miniscule army was annihilated by the Ramsay Bolton’s forces outside of Winterfell. He had an affair with Melisandre, the Red Priestess despite the fact that he was married to Selyse Baratheon. People know Lord Stannis to be a conservative and a pretty straight-edge person but the man behind the character is actually very chill. He has been dating Naomi Wirthner, an actress and director, since 1988. The two have two kids, one of them is an actor as well who even appeared in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince as the young Tom Riddle.

Stephen Dillane And Naomi Wirthner
Jacob Anderson and Aisling Loftus
Jacob Anderson played the role of one of Khaleesi’s top lieutenants very well: fierce, guarded, and monotone – with a gentle side. Greyworm is a character who was born as a slave but has advanced in the military as a great leader. Along the way, he falls in love with the sophisticated Missandei. It seems like Anderson’s love life off-screen isn’t too shabby either although he appears to have a different preference in women in real life. He has been dating Aisling Loftus, the War and Peace actress. The two have kept the things in their relationship away from the public eye, but it’s clear that things are going well!

Jacob Anderson and Aisling Loftus