Sparking Their Interests
The officers’ interest was piqued as a result of this. And as Gabby informed them about the peculiar sound that was emanating from within the grave, she observed a change in their facial expressions. Immediately, the men began to question her in a variety of various ways, and they came up with a variety of different hypotheses. Yet as it turned out, none of those predictions were right.

Sparking Their Interests
Listening To The Sound
At this point, each and every one of them was completely drenched, and the ground had become muddy as a result of all the rain. Suddenly, Gabby was able to hear the peculiar sound once more, and she immediately informed one of the officers. They were listening intently to one another as they put their ears to the damp grass. He was also aware of the sound, but he made a suggestion that none of them had considered up to that point.

Listening To The Sound