Explaining The Situation
Gabby could see the blue and red colors flickering in the distance as the sirens became progressively more intense in volume. When she saw the police car draw closer, she raised both of her arms in the air and waved them. Gabby was approached by two law enforcement officers who got out of their vehicle and walked over to her. She took the time to rapidly explain her concerns, but the responses she received weren’t what she had anticipated.

Sceptical Of Gabby’s Concerns
Even though the policemen were confused as to why she was making such a fuss about a dog sitting on a tombstone, they decided to continue following her regardless. After all, it was part of their responsibility. When they arrived at the cemetery, one of the officers made an attempt to coax the dog away, but Gabby informed them that the dog remained completely still throughout the entire ordeal.

Sceptical Of Gabby’s Concerns