Reduce Clutter In Your Home With These Simple Tips
Clutter is a common thing most people have in their homes. However, some of us are looking to simplify our lives and restore order to our homes which is a noble goal. It may sound like a nearly impossible challenge but it’s not. In fact, you can do the same if you want to! We know most people always talk about creating a tidier space in their home and never go through with it, but this will be a different case. Here we have some fail-safe simple ways anyone can declutter their home and create a cleaner environment for themselves. After all, we already know how our environment can affect the way we think and feel. It’s important to surround yourself with things and people that raise you up and make you feel better – not the other way around.
Think Ahead
The best way to clean clutter is to not let it in the house in the first place. This is obvious, of course. But next time you get an itch to shop for items, think twice about it. Do you need it? Will you have where to put it? Don’t impulse buy items that you don’t necessarily need or will regret in the long run. Aside from creating clutter in your home, it can be wasteful. Even when you find random free items, think about it before grabbing them.
Determine Where It’s From
When it comes to clutter, it can mean many things. From bills and paperwork to piles of laundry or even electronic devices that haven’t been used in a while or are broken. When you want to do some decluttering, determine where these things are coming from in the first place. Finding the source of the problem will allow you to create a solution and come up with a plan to get rid of these things. For instance, if it’s paperwork you want to get rid of, maybe you need to create your own filing system to keep things orderly. Old electronics? Recycle them. Too many wires around the house for chargers? Perhaps a device charging console will solve the problem.
Get Rid Of Maybes
If you have items you haven’t used in a while, it might be time to say goodbye. Even if you’re thinking maybe you’ll find a use for them or start using them, if you haven’t touched them in a long amount of time, it won’t happen anytime soon. Think about items like a forgotten ice cream maker, or a knitting kit you got a while back. A good rule of thumb to go by is if you haven’t used something in over a year, it’s time for it to go. This is especially relevant for items you forgot you even had.
Designate A Place For Essentials
We all need somewhere to put our keys, wallet, and phone when walking in the door. It could be something like an entry table or a small shelf by the door. Whatever it may be, you want to ensure you have designated places for important items you need. Otherwise, they’ll just end up creating a messy look in the house. The same goes for anything you want to keep. If you find some items while cleaning that you won’t get rid of, make sure you have where to put them that makes sense.