Before She Could Tell Him The Great News, Her Husband Left Her

Published on 11/18/2019

Reaction Speed

Firefighters are expected to move swiftly and accordingly when it comes to responding to dire situations. The Colorado Springs Fire Department has a massive emergency team at the ready to react quickly to as many SOS calls made in the city, and they pride themselves that, for 90% of the time, they can arrive at their destination within 8 minutes.

Reaction Speed

Reaction Speed



In the event that they face multiple fire breakouts in different places at the same time, the Colorado Spring Fire Department amassed various equipment to go against the fire. They have a variety of vehicles to fight off the fire, depending on the case scenario. They currently have 11 brush trucks when responding to wildland fires, one air supply tries, one hazardous material decontamination vehicle, and one hose wagon.

