You Might Want To Think Twice Before You Eat The Following Food From China

Published on 11/30/2020


Remnants of fox, rat, and mink were found in so-called ‘mutton’. The whole thing contains gelatin, carmine, and nitrate, mixed with additional spices and then sold as alleged mutton. A few years ago, nearly 1,000 people were arrested for “meat offenses” over a period of three months. More than 20 tons of spoiled meat were confiscated. So we can only recommend you to stay away from these kinds of meat.

Grilled Lamb Cutlets With A Sprig Of Rosemary.




The soy product is very popular, especially among the vegetarians above us. In 2012, food safety inspectors in Hunan Province found that some manufacturers used animal products, iron sulfate, and even human feces to speed up the fermentation process. Therefore it can potentially be harmful to the consumers. You are exposed to polluted water runoff from industrial and waste disposal facilities, air pollution, and foodborne diseases like avian flu.

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