A Different Project
He refused to surrender. Again, he asked her to take her car to another spot. Unfortunately, she was still saying no and doing so in an insulting way. After that, the man lost his patience and knew that he might have to call the cops if she didn’t obey. It was well within his right to do that, but it would take a lot of time, and some work had yet to be done! He had a great idea as he attempted to think of his next move.

A Different Project
Parking Spots
So that you know, he was serving as the foreman for the construction job. You’d think it wasn’t hard for him since this is a role he’s played many times in the past. Even so, this was made even more difficult than usual by the location. As you can imagine, bringing construction materials and equipment uphill was not at all easy. Even before the meeting took place, he was probably already stressed out, as you can imagine.

Parking Spots