Woman Couldn’t Believe What The Jeweler Said After Bringing Her Grandma’s Necklace In

Published on 08/27/2023

Her grandmother’s favorite necklace

Sarah was disoriented and isolated. The day following the funeral, Sarah sat on her couch and gazed blankly into the jewelry box in front of her. She took the box with care and cracked it open. When she saw what her grandmother had left her, she gasped. It was the favorite necklace of her grandmother.

Her grandmother’s favorite necklace

Her grandmother’s favorite necklace


The perfect gift

Sarah received Marie’s favorite necklace—a stunning diamond necklace with a deep grayish-blue gemstone in the center—as a gift. Although Sarah had always admired that necklace, she had never imagined that she would end up with it. She grinned a little while a tear ran down her cheek. There was no better present from her grandmother that she could have imagined.

The perfect gift

The perfect gift