School Expels Teen Over Her Appearance, Dad Takes A Stand

Published on 10/31/2019

For teenagers and even adults, the way you dress says a lot about who you are. Hair, makeup, and fashion trends are a way for self-expression. However, most schools don’t facilitate this type of self-exploration nor do they appreciate the efforts students put into their outfits. With that being said, schools are creating stricter dress codes that students aren’t too happy with.

The Beginning

California teenager Demetra Alarcon was called out of class and sent to the principal’s office. The young girl was utterly confused since she hadn’t done anything wrong, at least she wasn’t aware of what she had done. Next thing she knew they were calling her dad. When he arrived, he was told what she had done, then they both burst into tears.


The Beginning

The Beginning


Had Enough

When the school administrators told this dad why they singled out his daughter, his jaw dropped in disbelief. He listened to them as they berated his daughter, but enough was enough. This was not right. He pulled up his sleeves and got ready for a fight. There was no way he was going to let this injustice continue.

Had Enough

Had Enough