When he was studying at the NYMA, he had been on the football team. This makes sense if you know that he bought a football team of his own at one point. Not only that, but he also tried to run an American football league. It was supposed to be a competitor of the National Football League.

Proud Parents
Here is another photo that he shared on his Facebook page. The caption read, “#TBT Myself with mother and father at New York Military Academy. See, I can be very military. High rank!” He might have said that he was “very military,” but the truth was that he was deferred from army service not just once but five times! Most of them were for the years he spent in college. However, the fifth one came after a bone spur diagnosis. It is said that this might not have been entirely true. The daughter of the man to diagnose him said that it was made as a “favor” because Fred Trump was the landlord of the podiatrist!

Proud Parents