At the beginning of 2018, in January, another company, like Kiko USA, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the A’gaci, a womenswear retailer. When it did, it was in the middle of renegotiation its leases on 49 of its 76 stores. In the company’s press release, it said that around two-thirds of their expenses were related to the very high leases that they had to pay. A’gaci emerged from bankruptcy in the summer of 2018. They said that they would be keeping 55 stores and 1,500 employees. The Texas-based company got approval to commit on a loan worth up to $12 million in June. So, unlike many companies on this list, it looks like A’gaci has a bright future ahead.
Toys R Us
The financial troubles of Toys R Us have been reported intensely in the media. It filed for bankruptcy in 2018 and it stated that it planned that all of its stores would be liquidated. That translated to huge clearance sales at its 735 stores across the U.S. Business Insider said that it planned to close all of its stores as fast as it could. This is because the longer they open, the more they would have to pay the landlords. However, there are reports popping up that the brand is not dead yet. It was said that at the end of 2018, the Toys R Us ‘owners’ canceled its bankruptcy auction. This caused some news agencies to speculate whether it would actually gear up for a comeback or not.