Forest Fires
Eucalyptus, like many other plants, has adapted to withstand a fire. Burning the seeds after the fire also results in a blossoming of a small crop. You also have many disposal processes, sadly, because Australia is so vulnerable to bushfires. Australia is one of the most fire-prone nations in the world. The fires inflict significant collateral destruction and loss of both human and animal lives.

Forest Fires
White-Tailed Spider
Perhaps the venom of the other spiders we have described is life-threatening (aside from the huntsman). A bite from the white-tailed spider, though, is not. All the same, bacteria are usually borne by these spiders, which may induce inflammation in the bite region. Whenever someone appears to be attacked by one of these spiders, they can still make sure that they go as quickly as possible to the doctor for a referral.

White-Tailed Spider