The Outback
Is it possible to travel to Australia? Apparently, not. If it is wild critters or beasts, there is always one real danger that you need to contend with – if you weren’t trained. We’re talking about Australia’s outback, a country with rugged and uninhabited areas. You’d have to pack the correct amount of food, water, petrol, and other necessities because if you run out of all of them, the Australian outback has none to support you with. Stressful enough? To add, it would be without telephone coverage and be very lonely. Survival benefits the armed.

The Outback
Irukandji Jellyfish
The little Irukandji jellyfish offers us a lesson that it’s risky to overlook little stuff’s strength. Jellyfish can grow to around a cubic centimeter and develop a venom injected into humans that contact them. The amount of nicotine administered to the brain will induce cramps and nausea. Do not touch this creature. It could trigger huge trouble.

Irukandji Jellyfish